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Vanda tricuspidata

This is an extremely rare species and not much documented information can be found only a handful of short description from literature. We have manage to acquire this specie and this is the true specie compare to those listed as tricuspidata because it is often confused with a hybrid called Vanda Amy which is the only hybrid made from Vanda tricuspidata with hookeriana. The terete leaves also have a distinctive kink (constriction) near the tip of the sharp pointed leaf.


Vanda Amy

This rare hybrid is often mistaken for the specie tricuspidata. It is a hybrid between Vanda tricuspidata and hookeriana. Vanda Amy has flower shape similar to Vanda tricuspidata but the hybrid lip is much bigger and rounder due to the influence of Vanda hookeriana. The lip is also cupped shaped (concave) with 3 pointed tip. Currently it is still a very rare hybrid due to its much rarer parent Vanda tricuspidata.

Vanda Miss Joaquim "Agnes"

This famous hybrid is the national flower of Singapore. Vanda Miss Joaquim is a hybrid between Vanda teres and Vanda hookeriana. It was named in honour of its discoverer Miss Agnes Joaquim (1893). It is a very free flowering robust plant when given very high light. The variety Agnes is the original strain derives from the discovery.


Vanda Miss Joaquim "Josephine"

This is a remake of Vanda Miss Joaquim by John Laycock in Singapore (1933). This remake cross was between Vanda teres var. Aurorea and Vanda hookeriana var. Alba. It was named var. Josephine after a grandniece of Miss Agnes Joaquim by Holttum. This rare hybrid has pretty much disappeared in cultivation and only exists in a handful at private collections.


Vanda Miss Joaquim "Rose Marie"

This is another remake of Vanda Miss Joaquim by C.A Chevalier in Bandoeng, Java, Indonesia (1937). This remake cross was between Vanda teres var. Alba and Vanda hookeriana. The Singapore Botanical Garden also repeated this cross in 1945. This rare hybrid also has pretty much disappeared in cultivation and only exists in a handful at private collections.


Vanda Miss Joaquim "Atherton"

This variety originates from Hawaii and has a deeper intense color than the common Vanda Miss Joaquim. It is also very free flowering and long lasting. It is now quite rare in many collections.


Vanda Miss Joaquim "Douglas"

This variety is the tetraploid form of Atherton. The overall appearance looks the same as Atherton, except the size of the flower is twice the size of Atherton and is much deeper in color. It was reported to be a good breeder and also quite hard to come by.


Vanda Miss Joaquim "Peloric"

This is a rare varietal occurrence and probably the first ever reported for terete Vandas. It is a peloric mutation from the variety Atherton. Pelorism is a mutation whereby either the lip is replaced by an extra petal OR both petals are replace by 2 extra lips. These mutations give unusual forms that are welcome and highly prized by many collectors.


Vanda Cooperi "White Wing"

This “White Wing” variety is a special white flower form that originated from a colored populations from the cross between Vanda Miss Joaquim var. Josephine and Vanda hookeriana var. Alba. This was because of Vanda Miss Joaquim var. Josephine that was use, which also had Vanda hookeriana var. Alba in its background. Consequently this hybrid Vanda Cooperi var. White Wing was crossed with Vanda teres var. Alba which produced Vanda Poepoe var. Diana. Vanda Cooperi can be distinguished by its cupped (concave) shaped lip and its sharp pointed constricted terete leaves, influenced by Vanda hookeriana.


Vanda Poepoe "Diana"

This is a robust free flowering terete Vanda with pure white flower, similar to Vanda Miss Joaquim. The flower has very nice form and clean white color and is bigger than Vanda Miss Joaquim. It is sometime confused to be the albino form of Vanda Miss Joaquim. But it is a hybrid between Vanda teres var. Alba and Vanda Cooperi var. White Wing and both parents are white (Alba) which resulted in a population of crystalline white terete Vanda. Vanda Poepoe var. Diana can be distinguished by its broad flat lip (sometime folding downwards) and bluntly pointed terete leaves with no constriction.


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